Crossing Old Lines by Leah Smith | Review

Hi everyone1

I’ve been trying to get back to reading again. I’ve started trying audiobooks so I can listen during work – do you like audiobooks? What would you recommend for someone just starting with them?

A few months ago, I read and reviewed Making New Plans by Leah Smith and adored it (seriously, I highly recommend this book!!), and the author reached out and sent me a copy of the sequel, Crossing Old Lines, in exchange for an honest review.

Sarah Weaver and Carter Fleming have quite the history – they have been best friends for so long, but they were almost more. Carter broke Sarah’s heart right before college, and somehow, they were able to be friends after. Strictly friends.

Until Sarah tells her stepsister that Carter is her boyfriend.

Sarah enlists Carter’s help in keeping up this charade, and they begin a fake relationship. There are two catches: no feelings, and Sarah moves in while Carter renovates her house. Seems okay, right? For a while, until all those fake touches and almost kisses feel so real and makes both of them wonder what if.

I loved this novel! (Even though it took me a bit to read it. Maybe don’t look at the dates on my Goodreads – I was transitioning to working full time lol). I really enjoyed Sarah and Carter as supporting characters in the first novel, and to see them get their own book was amazing. I loved reading about their backstory and history, and following them as they navigate their feelings whilst staying in the friend-zone was great.

Once again, Leah Smith knocked it out of the park in characterization. It felt like I knew Sarah and Carter and all of their friends and neighbors, and like I could become friends with them. I liked the development of the characters throughout the novel. Everything just flowed so nicely and it felt natural.

I loved Sarah and Carter so much. I liked them a lot in the first book, but this truly enhanced their relationship and shows how nice their personalities go together. The development of their relationship, even though we do not see a lot of it due to the timing of when they met versus when the book starts, was very well done. I do enjoy reading the friends-to-lovers trope in books, and this is one of the best ones I’ve read.

I said this in the review I posted for Making New Plans and I’ll say it again: Leah Smith’s writing is fantastic! She has a way of reeling you into the plotline and feeling like you are right alongside these characters. I could still picture the town so clearly, and the people who lived there. The entire thing was so strong, and I’m excited to read more from her!

I definitely need more from this series – I think there is going to be a third book, but honestly, I will read however many she wants to put out. I love this series so much.

I absolutely recommend Crossing Old Lines! Whilst it could be read as a stand-alone novel, I would suggest reading the first book, Making New Plans, first as there are things and characters in this second one that are better explained in the first.

I gave this 4.5 stars.

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